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New mural in BGHNC cafeteria linked to teen mothers program

This is the story of a mother’s hope and resilience in this miraculous Christmas season.

Olivia came to Boys & Girls Homes a year ago as a pregnant teen. She had her baby here at one of our homes for teen mothers where she lives, goes to school and cares for her baby. When she’s not working, Olivia draws cartoon portraits of the people in her life.

This summer, Olivia was asked to paint a special mural on the campus of Boys & Girls Homes. Over a month and a half, Olivia painted the mural 12 feet wide by 10 feet high in the campus cafeteria. For Olivia, “it was the first time in my life that I could draw on a wall and not get into trouble,” she said, laughing.  

Giant red and orange sunflowers reach toward the sun. Draped across the top of the mural, a butterfly holds a banner that says: “Together as One: One Band; One Sound.”

Olivia’s gift and legacy at Boys & Girls Homes means so much to her. “Drawing is a coping skill for my anxiety and depression,” she said. “Sunflowers themselves are a sign of rebirth and rehabilitation. That’s what BGH is for me – a place for digging into who you are. You never see a sunflower growing by itself.” “Growing up, I raised myself,” Olivia said, “but at BGH, I’ve grown to know I have a home here; a family here, and I can let people help me.” In this giving Christmas season, just as Olivia gave the gift of her art to Boys & Girls Homes, please consider giving to help the children we serve.  

With a donation of just $50 per month or $1.67 per day, you can help children like Olivia on their journey of healing and hope.

In this season of giving and hope, please help Boys & Girls Homes of North Carolina provide the opportunity for children looking for a new start like Olivia and her baby.

You can make a difference in the life of a child.

With hope for the future,

Marc A. Murphy


You can donate to help children at BGHNC at this link. 

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