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Civic Club Partners

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The Carolinas’ civic organizations provide long-standing and continuous support for BGHNC. Boys and Girls Homes was founded and established with help and support from every major civic group. The fact that we combine so many diverse civic organizations from across the Carolinas in long-term commitments of support is one of many reasons that make BGHNC so distinct.

Civic Clubs initially funded the construction of cottages on campus for residents in the 1950s and 1960s. Thus, most of the cottages are named after the civic organizations.

When Boys Home began welcoming girls on campus to become the Boys and Girls Homes of NC, the General Federation of Women’s Clubs and the Extension and Community Association stepped forward to support the Wakefield and Stango cottages.

The Clubs continue to provide strong support for the cottages and other facilities on campus.

These include:

  • Ongoing financial support to meet day-to-day needs of the children

  • Visits to campus to interact with the children at cookouts, cottage dinners, and Chapel events

  • Campus cleanup days

  • Holding regional and district club conventions on campus

  • Hosting children at their events throughout the state

  • Making in-kind donations for use by the children or for sale in the Homes’ Country Store; and

  • Appointing district and state chairs to represent BGHNC

BGHNC staff present at civic group meetings across the state. We welcome the opportunity to share the exciting news of B&GH with civic clubs. Please contact our Director of Community Engagement  Tom Lamont at 910-646-3083 if you would like us to speak at your next event.

Our Sponsors and Partners
