Are you ready to make a commitment and open your heart and home to a child in need of a forever family?
Through our BGHNC foster-to-adopt agency, you can adopt a child at no cost to you.
Each child in need of adoption has a unique background and story. You can be part of their next chapter. When a child is available for adoption through BGHNC, it is because reunification with the birth family is not possible and the parental rights have been or will be terminated.
Adoptive parents may be married or single, but must be over 21 years old. Also, they must have their own means of transportation, a telephone, high school diploma/GED, and have sufficient income to meet the needs of their own families.
Because we are a foster-to-adopt agency, all potential adoptive parents must first complete TIPS-MAPP training and become licensed foster parents.
B&GH does not deny any person the opportunity to become a foster/adoptive parent on the basis of race, color, national origin of the person or child involved. There are no agency fees affiliated with the recruitment, training and licensing of adoptive homes and the placement of children.
Financially, most adopted children are eligible for state adoption assistance, tax benefits, and Medicaid coverage until 18 years of age. Adopted children, age 12 and above, are eligible for tuition benefits for 4 years of college.
For more information about becoming an adoptive parent, contact Ophelia Anderson by phone at 910-646-3083 or email at ophelia.anderson@bghnc.org.