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Thank you for choosing to partner with Boys and Girls Homes of North Carolina!

Your donation will further our mission to providing a continuum of care to meet the physical, emotional, mental, behavioral, social, educational and spiritual needs of children, youth and families in distress or at-risk.

Donate today to change a life!



Donor Information
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Honoree Information

In the fields below, please let us know the details of your gift.

  • If you are making this gift for us to use in whichever way would be best for BGHNC, please select "Undesignated."
  • If you are making this gift to be used for a certain purpose, please select "Designated" and provide details on where you would like your gift to go.
  • If you are making your gift in memory of someone who has passed, please select "Gift in Memory Of" and provide the honoree's name in the Honoree field below.
  • If you are making your gift in honor of someone alive and well, please select "Gift in Honor Of" and provide the honoree's name in the Honoree field below. 

Please provide the honoree's address so we can notify them or their family that a gift was made in their memory or honor.

*Click the dropdown menu to select your state*
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Your security code is the 3-digit code at the end of the signature field on your card's back.

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If there's anything else we should know, please provide the information below.

Boys and Girls Homes of North Carolina is an exempt organization as described in Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code; EIN#58-1387871. Your donation to our organization is tax deductible and greatly appreciated.  
Boys and Girls Homes of North Carolina is dedicated to providing a continuum of care to meet the physical, emotional, mental, behavioral, social, educational and spiritual needs of children, youth and families in distress or at-risk.
Your community support, through donations, grants, sponsorships, and proceeds from events, helps children  from across North Carolina heal from trauma in a safe environment.
Audited financial documents are available upon request and may also be found on GUIDESTAR/CANDID.

Our Sponsors and Partners
