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Creative Inspiration

Hanging on the bulletin board of my office is a sheet of paper with a collection of random thoughts, quotes and phrases I have put together over time. While trying to figure out next steps, I will often look at the sheet in an attempt to find inspiration.

In recently consulting this strange mind map, I realized that there is probably no one else who could source this random collection. Included on the page are quotes sourced from an 80s cult classic movie, the inside joke of a pop band, the email address of a beloved public broadcast television host, and the catchphrase of a former YouTube personality among a variety of others.

What is significant about this creative inspiration source is that it is something I see played out across the campus of Boys and Girls Homes. Our staff are encouraged to find inspiration in every day experiences to create intentional learning opportunities for youth. It is also encouraged for the office staff to find creative solutions to any challenge presented to best serve the needs of the youth and families now before us.

You can see this played out repeatedly within the Waccamaw Way program of care. We are charged with doing things with true intention, using data driven best practices. Yet, I am confident that the inspiration sources for each staff member would look very different. It is through this creative inspiration transformative opportunities are available for every youth and family member that participates in BGHNC services.

Where do you find your inspiration?

Melissa Hopkins is the Public Relations and Marketing Specialist at Boys and Girls Homes of North Carolina.

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