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Interests May Vary

When youth enter the care of Boys and Girls Homes, they participate in a series of intake activities that help create an individualized treatment plan.

Over the course of a youth’s stay, there are monthly meetings with the treatment team to review the plan and make any necessary changes.

Among the pieces in the plan are the areas of interest for the youth. As they progress through the Phases of the Waccamaw Way Model of Care, there are a variety of opportunities for them to explore those interests in different ways.

One of those opportunities comes through the Therapeutic Recreation guided by Recreation Therapist Lauren Geiss. As Geiss explains, “Therapeutic recreation is the therapeutic aspects of activities you enjoy. It is something that anybody can do. It is about finding what you like to help you when you are having a stressful day. Things that you can do anywhere.”

Geiss follows a structured schedule with the youth so that they know during each session they will address one of the five domains within Therapeutic Recreation – social, emotional, cognitive, physical, and life skills.

Over the past year, this has included introducing experiences to the youth including fishing, event planning, yoga and baking among many other activities.

“We are helping them find healthy ways to cope with the stresses of life with options beyond campus,” Geiss said.

Geiss regularly consults with the youth and checks with the clinicians to determine what interests have been expressed in order to provide new and variety experiences for the youth.

Therapeutic Recreation is one aspect of the Waccamaw Way that helps create an environment of care that promotes health, healing and hope among the youth who enter our care. Learn more about The Waccamaw Way.

Melissa Hopkins is the Public Relations and Marketing Specialist at Boys and Girls Homes of North Carolina.

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