Success Coach seeks to strengthen and enhance well-being by providing support and advocacy to families to include post-adoption.
Strengthen...Success Coaches help families build resilience, strengthen communication and parenting skills, and manage crisis effectively.
Support...Success Coaches help families assess their needs and set goals, celebrate the family's successes and provide support in times of need.
Advocate...Success Coaches link families to resources to meet their need, advocate on their behalf, or provide support as families work to meet their own needs.
Success is not a destination; it's a journey.

Success Coaches will...
- Teach families new skills to enhance child well-being
- Provide crisis management support
- Build resiliency in families and reduce risk factors
- Empower families to be able to solve problems
- Help parents assess their child's social and emotional needs
- Support parents with child's educational needs
- Connect families to community resources
- Advocate for children and their parents
Success Coaches work with a variety of other resources to strengthen, support and advocate for families.
Post Adoption Services

Every family has ups and downs. Success Coach post adoption services can help your family enjoy the ups and survive the downs.
Our Post Adoption Services:
- Teach parenting strategies that really work
- Provide adoption education and training
- Help families manage crisis
- Help parents assess their child's needs
- Promote trust and attachment
- Connect families to community resources
- Provide family with advocacy and support
- Prevent crisis that can result in adoption disruptions
- Offer support for special school needs
- Increase healthy coping techniques
Contact Director Ashlynn Campbell 910-646-1124 or ashlynn.campbell@bghnc.org.
Success Coach is a program of Boys and Girls Homes of North Carolina. B&GH is dedicated to providing a comprehensive array of residential and community based services to meet the needs of vulnerable children by addressing their physical, emotional, social, educational, and spiritual development.
B&GH operates its programs, services and activities in compliance with federal nondiscrimination laws. No person shall, on the basis of race, color, national origin (including limited English proficiency), disability, religion, sex, gender identity, sexual orientation, or age, be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be otherwise subjected to discrimination under any of our programs.