CAC Donation Needs January-May 2024
- Individual chips
- Individual cookies
- Individual juices
- Individual waters
- Adult white T-shirts (size S-XL) for medical exams
- New stuffed animals
- Children's books
- Small children's toys like fidget spinners
- Crayons (8-count so the kids can take them with them)
- Party-size Play-Doh
- Coloring books
Gift stockings for the upcoming holiday season. Stockings need to consider the following:
-gender neutral
-age group (3-8 and 9-17) or around that age
-hygiene products (mini shampoo, deodorant, toothpaste, toothbrush)
-small toy
- K-cups for Keurig (Parents often appreciate a cup of coffee during the appointment.)
- Disposable coffee cups
- Gas cards (for families that identify a financial burden for attending the appointment)